The Marvelous Misadventure Through Time and Space.

30th June 2015

My friend Kyle gave me a game called Game.EXE
Of course, it was a Sega Game, I slammed the door in Kyle's face and put the game into my Wii U, when I turned it on, the screen was covered in hyper realistic blood and bones, then the blood disappeared and there was Kermit the Frog and he said "Kirmet dee frogg heere" then the screen shut off and I saw it, Kermit was there so I took out my Emergency AK-47 and shot at Kermit.
[ Guiles Theme]
Kermit dodged and shot at me with his RPG and caught the rocket mid air and threw it back at Kermit, Kermit dodged in slow motion while firing at me!
I shot the rockets and they exploded in front of Kermit.
Kermit's arms flew off and then all the other Muppet's appeared, so I took out my 2 Gatling Gun and spun around while shooting at them.
They all died and then Osar the Grouche was there and then he said "Come with me if you want to live".
2 b cuntinued

31st June 2015

Me and Oscar were driving in Oscars Humvee, he explained to me that Game.exe was a cursed game and it had opened a black hole which combined loads of different universes.
Then out of nowhere, ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111
There was 66665r9687e3847256275332765377567236583786285783728567878392674865762738658 zombies. We decided to pull of a High School of the Dead and ran into those zombie bastards!
We were killing zombies here and there and then we passed them all, but then we realised they were following us, the Humvee was covered in blood.
Oh Shit we couldn't see... We crashed into a wall,
Then Oscar the Grouch took out a katana
He fucking sliced up those fat bastards, but then the zombie King appeared out of thin air, being the expert artist I am, I drew a picture of the Zombie King.
Of course, I have no idea how to spell. So, I guessed the words.
Oscar started running up the Zombie King and then did some special move and did the anime thing where he swing his sword really fast.
Of course the Zombie King was cut into 37645782380567265823757672385736577385673857364723674 pieces.
We then decided to set up camp near a local strip club
Did I mention that we are in a desert?

32nd June 2015

Me a Oscar have been walking across the desert.
But then we came across the Mongolian Death Worm came out of the ground
It said "Bwah". It spooked me so much that I shit my panties but then Oscar the Grouch took out his katana and started fighting the Mongolian Death Worm but sadly his katana broke... :( R.I.P Katana!!!!!!>111 Rest is peace my sweet prince...............
He told me to run, so I did, then the Mongolian Death Worm ate Oscar the Grouch. R.I.P Oscar :(*((*((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((999 i cunt bileev it he now ded :C

Then something cut the Mongolian Death Worm in half.
But who was it, he was blue fast and cool
It was Metal Sonic of Course

5 July 2015

I got banned, but then I got back, but I hadn't drunk anything so I died.
The End.